Playing Your Cards Right: The Top Business Card Design Trends of 2019

Playing Your Cards Right: The Top Business Card Design Trends of 2019

Business cards are still one of the most effective branding and business development tools for your business, even in this age of digital marketing. At networking events and conferences, you want to leave every contact with a vivid memento of your meeting. You want new prospects and old clients to have an easy-to-access reminder of how to reach you at any time.

Business card design has come a long way since the days of white or ivory cards with a name and phone number. There are literally thousands of styles to choose from, plus cool colours, materials, and shapes which will help you stand out from the crowd.

However, not all bells and whistles may be appropriate for your particular goods or service. You need to carefully consider who you are trying to reach and what will work with your target audience.

If you are looking for the latest, most effective trends in business card design,  check out our list here.  

1. Brand is Paramount

Of all the qualities your business card should have, your brand should be paramount. Someone should be able to tell right away that it is from your company, even without reading it.

The weight, feel, and impression of the card should convey your brand. If your product is aimed at the tween market, that should be apparent from the font and colours. If your services are aimed at a more seasoned and professional audience, you may opt for a heavy white ivory stock with raised print. 

Your logo should be showcased in a version scaled to the size of your card so that any words are readable and the image is indelibly imprinted on the card and on people's memories.

2. As Little Text as Possible

You do not need to include every word of your tagline, product description, or even mailing info on your business card. The main purpose is to get people to go to your website or to call you, so you really only need a website address and/or a phone number.

A cluttered surface will detract from your message. White space will draw the eye to the pertinent details like the brand. Be concise-  show not tell.

Also, people still like to write on business cards. If you receive a dozen cards at an event, you may scribble important details on the back ("guy who offered me a discount."). Give people room to write things down-  like your personal cell number.

3. Rounded Corners

Another way to stick out from the crowd is through innovative shapes. If you have collected numerous cards during a business trip or networking party, you will be drawn to the one that has a distinctive shape or feel. Rounded edges will draw attention from all the other rectangles.

A popular trend is not only rounded edges, but corners in contrasting colours.  Add a dark bleed to the edges of your card to really stand out.

4. Lots of White Space

Designers agree that white space is a necessary element for all kinds of graphic art, including marketing materials. Business cards are no different. 

White space is the space between the design elements. It is important for balance and elegance. The eye gets confused when faced with clutter, so clean up your act.

Only include the information that is necessary. The card is not an ad or a brochure. It is an invitation to continue the conversation.

5. Innovative Material

One business card trend is using unusual materials as an alternative to card stock. You can get business cards made of wood, metal, or even chocolate! 

If the materials dovetail with what you are selling, this can be a super way to illustrate what you produce. What better way to show off your product if you are a candy maker than with a chocolate business card?

Using innovative materials certainly raises the cost of the production of business cards. However, gone are the days where you would paper the room with your card. Now it is considered gauche to give cards to everyone you meet.

On the other hand, if you have a meaningful conversation with someone whom you want to contact again, offer one of these distinctive cards. They will surely hold onto it and remember your connection. 

6. Your Web URL 

It may seem like stating the obvious, but people really do forget to include the most important information on their cards.  If the whole point is to drive people to your website, you need to show people how to get there. Make sure your web site URL is correct and legible on your card.

Also, include your email address if you want people to contact you that way.

Have someone proof your card before you go to print. A mistake on this crucial detail can end up costing you more than the cost of the print job. 

If you mistakenly send someone to the wrong website or to a site that does not exist,  it's unlikely they will keep trying to find you. It also gives the impression that you don't know what you are doing!

If your service is designing and building websites or other tech-related services,  this mistake can be especially fatal. 

7. Call to Action 

Tell people what to do. They may forget that you promised to call them if they look at the card a few days or weeks after receiving it.

If you want people to go to your site, include the web site address. If you want people to call you, place your number in a prominent position on the card. 

If you want them to visit your brick-and-mortar location, include the address, directions or even a small map.

Customers like to be led in the right direction. Show them the way with a clear, easy-to-follow call to action.

Business Card Design: The Right Look Can Make All the Difference 

By paying close attention to detail, your business card design can be a powerful marketing tool. As a small but significant illustration of what you do and your approach, it can help you grow your business and reach the people who need what you have to offer.

For more information on how to create the right business card design for your business, check out our site.

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