8 Flyer Design Tips to Effectively Market Your Business
Are you on the hunt for flyer design tips that'll boost your business? If so, you need to check out this article. Click here for more info!
Competing in business is tough and small businesses, in particular, can find it difficult to get their name out. Whether you are new to the market or just trying to expand your customer base, there are a few ways to get yourself known.
In this age of everything digital. Maybe a throwback to an easier time might be a good change and a profitable one. By using a great flyer design to get your name and brand out to the public, you can cover a lot of ground.
You may be surprised to learn that not everyone walks around with a phone stuck to their face. A strategically placed flyer and a great flyer design can draw attention and people to your business.
In this article, we will talk about 8 flyer designs to help grow your business.
Why Use Flyers?
Flyers are an easy and relatively inexpensive way to advertise your business. You can send them to particular areas or blanket a certain section. It's the perfect way to pinpoint your target audience and make them aware of your business.
You can hire someone to hand them out in front of your business, at a busy section of the city, or even at a crowded event. Or you can just make your teenager do it. You can have them delivered with Canada Post directly to people's mailboxes, in their local newspaper, door to door distribution, and under the wiper blades of parked cars at the mall.
You can get as creative as you like with a flyer, using colours, fonts, and images that will make it more fun and memorable. It's also a tangible item, so even if people don't look at it right away, they will likely stick it in their purse or pocket, and read it later.
Best Flyer Designs
The greatest part of designing a flyer is that you can get as creative as you like. But you are marketing your business, so you also need to be realistic. Here are some great ideas for your business flyer.
1. K.I.S.S.
Keep it simple, sweetheart. You may feel like you need to get as much information on the flyer as possible, but overcrowding it will just be confusing, and people won't be as willing to read it.
We live in a digital age where things fly by so quickly; you need to grab their attention and hold it. Keep it simple and to the point, like if you are having a sale, just mention that.
2. Colour Me There
Bright colours that grab the reader's attention are a smart move. Just like a crow, we are drawn to something shiny and pretty, and we are more likely to read on.
Using colors that are part of your brand or signage is also a good idea, even if you have your logo on it. It allows the customer to associate that color with your service or organization.
3. Make Contact
Nothing is more frustration than scanning a page or flyer looking for a contact address. Get your information loud and proud. The whole point of the flyer is to get them in the door.
Your website, your address, the phone number, whatever it is that will benefit whatever it is you are promoting with your flyer. You can also include a scannable code, so people can add it to their smartphone and contact you through the internet or phone.
4. Pictures
A picture of what you are selling or your service is helpful and grabs people's attention. It also means less reading, in a world where people don't. Depending on your business, you can put your own picture on the flyer.
If you sell real estate or if you are a dentist, like a business card, adding your own picture in the flyer design makes people less likely to throw it away. They see your happy, shiny face and it helps them remember you and your business.
5. With this Flyer...
Adding on an incentive with the flyer is a good way to get people through the door. By offering a discount or other bonus to customers who present the flyer back to you, it is also a good way to see how effective your advertising was.
Two for one, bring a friend, or added percentage off coupon on the flyer is a nice bonus for the customer and a really clever marketing strategy. People love to save money, and people love a surprise or gift for doing nothing.
6. Is There an Echo?
Repeat yourself, and use the same words to drive home the service or sale. If you are using flyers on regular bases, then keep the same language in your flyer design throughout. It is very effective for marketing.
We take comfort in the familiar, so use the logo, the design, the service each time. You can play with it each time, if the flyer messages are building up to something or a running theme keeps our interest, like a cliffhanger.
7. Get Personal
Try a flyer design that really reflects who you are. Even if you don't have an artistic flair, you can incorporate something of your own in the flyer. A drawing, a personal fact, some history, or a personal picture.
People relate to people, not corporations, and if you are a small business, you need to use a personal touch so your customers feel special and unique. You can even hold a competition from your customers to submit their own ideas and offer an incentive.
Where to Place Flyers
Once you have your stack of flyers, you can get just as creative with distribution. There are a lot of ways to get them circulated.
Canada Post
For about 16¢, the postal service will deliver your flyers to neighbourhoods within your areas or of your choosing. This can be repeated every week or as often as you need to reach a lot of households and businesses.
Community Billboards
There are no shortages of public spaces to advertise rooms for rent, so you can include your flyer on one of these. They get a surprising about of attention and traffic.
You can find them in grocery stores, hospitals and public parks, government offices, and in the post office. Don't write these places off as quaint or antiquated. A lot of people see them every single day.
People still like to get the newspaper delivered, and this is an excellent way to get your name into people's homes. There are local, neighborhood papers that are often free in cities, and these will allow them to be inserted, as well.
Schools have message centers, bulletin boards, and many common areas, like study rooms, libraries, and even the cafeteria that will allow the sharing of information.
Restaurants and Cafes
The gathering of the hungry can be a great place to leave your flyer, especially if your business is somehow connected. Maybe you supply napkins, or maybe you are a dentist. People love to read while they eat, as it makes us feel less lonely.
Not only does a gym get a lot of traffic, but they are also usually very open to helping other businesses with their marketing, and you may often see product or information relating to other types of business.
Medical Centers
A lot of people visit medical centers every day, and they often have a community board or area for the sharing of information.
There are many people moving through who deal with long waits and a tired, old People magazine. You could drum up a lot of business just by having a nice flash flyer design that catches someone's eye.
Huge amounts of traffic and a well-placed flyer can grab the interest of a lot of shoppers. There are food courts, smoking areas, waiting and rest areas, and information centers that may be willing to let you leave your information there.
Lots of people visit the laundromat every day and repeatedly. Many of them have places to sit and wait and almost always a community board. You may even get a visit right away from a customer waiting for their clothes to dry.
Legal Issues
Be sure to check with the proprietor or management before you just run amok through the zoo, raining flyers down on everyone. There could be issues or conflicts of interest, so you do need to have permission for most of these places.
Get Flying
There is a lot of things you can do with a flyer design. So be brave, be bold, and get printing. There are many types of materials available, and you can make them all from recycled materials and let your customers know they are green.
The flyer design should reflect who you are, make people remember you and bring them into the business. The flyer is small but powerful, and with the right design, it will stay with people.
Technology can make any graphics and flyer design you want. Open up your imagination and see what happens. Contact us for some great ideas to get your business flying.